One Must Go . . . WHY?

I’ve seen these. You have, too. They are harmless, right? They don’t compromise my password protection, because I have never been asked anything like this as a security question.

I’m not telling you what to do, I’m only asking you to hear me out. This is SUCH a trivial thing, yes? I mean, who really cares, other than a potential romantic interest who unwittingly suggests a taco night, after you have publicly sworn them off. Or brings you a donut (they are actually spelled DOUGHNUTS, you lazy illiterate). Or confesses a love for sushi, causing you to dump them, as sushi is a true dealbreaker. Or bacon . . . wait. Is THAT even a possibility? It could reveal a hitherto unforeseen crazy that you’re better off without.


There are some concerns here. These appeal to your belief that YOUR choices are valuable, especially worthy of broadcast to your Facebook contacts, because, let’s face it, you are certain that everyone you know WANTS to know what you are thinking, they are just too shy (or busy) to ask.

Perhaps these allow you to go against the flow of public opinion, because being a Maverick works so well if you are a young Navy pilot, but NOT an old presidential nominee.

My concern is the psychological effect that strengthens a cancel culture, if even in only small doses. It puts YOU as judge, to decide for yourself (and perhaps everyone else, as it doesn’t clarify whether this is just your world, or everyone else’s as well). And not just cancel culture, but it reinforces the appeal to peer influence that can lead to bigger decisions (like genocide). Because your opinion is what really matters. At least to you.

Me? Not so much. A smile and nod can go a long way in maintaining peace between warring food factions.

All this to say, I began to learn this lesson back in 1985, from a Christian comedic singing artist. Funny how the world has changed in those intervening years. Now Values Clarification is rearing its ugly head in real life in many ways, with food as the stepping stone.

I warned you.

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